Cost :Rs 2500 (Project Report) Rs. 3000 (Synopsis + Project)
Delivery Time : Within 12 hours for readymade project and 3 days for new project
Can Be used in: HRM
Project Report Pages: 60-70 (Soft Copy Word format)
Employee engagement is associated with many desirable outcomes, such as job satisfaction, intention to stay and job performance. Companies with a greater number of engaged employees typically have lower operating costs, higher customer satisfaction and higher profits. There is a tangible monetary benefit to companies more
Cost :Rs 2500 (Project Report) Rs. 3000 (Synopsis + Project)
Delivery Time : Within 12 hours for readymade project and 3 days for new project
Can Be used in: HRM
Project Report Pages: 60-70 (Soft Copy Word format)
The reason for the execution of this research study is the identification of relationship between the performance appraisal system and the productivity of an employee and either the appraisal system of an organization increases or decreases the productivity of an employee. This study can explain the system of performance appraisal and also its different factors in relation to th more
Cost :Rs 2000 (Project Report) Rs. 2500 (Synopsis + Project)
Delivery Time : Within 12 hours for readymade project and 3 days for new project
Can Be used in: HRM
Project Report Pages: 60-70 (Soft Copy Word format)
Organisations in the 21st century are facing more challenges than ever before. These challenges are not unique to any specific organisation or industry, but affect all organisations, regardless of their structure or size. Organisational climate in particular is constantly challenged by changes impacting organisations today (Nair, 2006). To survive and outdo their competitors, or more
Cost :Rs 2000 (Project Report) Rs. 2500 (Synopsis + Project)
Delivery Time : Within 12 hours for readymade project and 3 days for new project
Can Be used in: HRM
Project Report Pages: 60-70 (Soft Copy Word format)
Recruitment and selection are two of the most important functions of personnel management. Recruitment precedes selection and helps in selecting a right candidate.
Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirement of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers t more
Cost :Rs 2000 (Project Report) Rs. 2500 (Synopsis + Project)
Delivery Time : Within 12 hours for readymade project and 3 days for new project
Can Be used in: HRM
Project Report Pages: 60-70 (Soft Copy Word format)
"Employee Development" was seen as too evocative of the master-slave relationship between employer and employee for those who refer to their employees as "partners" or "associates" to be comfortable with. "Human Resource Development" was rejected by academics, who objected to the idea that people were "resources" — an idea that they felt to be demeaning to the individual. Even more
Cost :Rs 2000 (Project Report) Rs. 2500 (Synopsis + Project)
Delivery Time : Within 12 hours for readymade project and 3 days for new project
Can Be used in: HRM
Project Report Pages: 60-70 (Soft Copy Word format)
Total Quality Management is an approach to the art of management that originated in Japanese industry in the 1950's and has become steadily more popular in the West since the early 1980's.
Total Quality is a description of the culture, attitude and organization of a company that aims to provide, and continue to provide, its customers with products and se more
Cost :Rs 2000 (Project Report) Rs. 2500 (Synopsis + Project)
Delivery Time : Within 12 hours for readymade project and 3 days for new project
Can Be used in: HRM
Project Report Pages: 60-70 (Soft Copy Word format)
Quality management can be implemented by putting into practice suitable QM methods . However , adopting the right kind of method is one of the most important jobs of senior management and degree of success obtained will depend on their knowledge and understanding of these methods . QM methods are unlikely to be useful not used more
Cost :Rs 2000 (Project Report) Rs. 2500 (Synopsis + Project)
Delivery Time : Within 12 hours for readymade project and 3 days for new project
Can Be used in: HRM
Project Report Pages: 60-70 (Soft Copy Word format)
Modern managers and personal administrators are greatly interested in fathoming and influencing the morale of the employees in such a way that it will contribute to the maximum effectiveness, growth and progress of the organization. Contemporary personnel administration is interested in designing programmes that help provide optimal employee morale.
Mor more
Cost :Rs 2000 (Project Report) Rs. 2500 (Synopsis + Project)
Delivery Time : Within 12 hours for readymade project and 3 days for new project
Can Be used in: HRM
Project Report Pages: 60-70 (Soft Copy Word format)
For all employees earning ₹21,000 (US$310) or less per month as wages, the employer contributes 4.75 percent(revised to 3% wef 1st January 2017) and employee contributes 1.75 percent(revised to 1% wef 1st January 2017), total share 4% percent. State government's share is 1/8th and that by central government is 7/8th. This fund is managed by the ESI Corporation (ESIC) according more
Cost :Rs 2000 (Project Report) Rs. 2500 (Synopsis + Project)
Delivery Time : Within 12 hours for readymade project and 3 days for new project
Can Be used in: HRM
Project Report Pages: 60-70 (Soft Copy Word format)
Human resource is considered to be the most valuable asset in any organization. It is the sum-total of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills represented by the talents and aptitudes of the employed persons who comprise executives, supervisors and the rank and file employees. It may be noted here that human resource should be utilized to the maximum possible extent, more